Lockheed Martin Australia pledges to work with Australian government

Lockheed Martin Australia announced its intention to work with the Victorian Government to establish Victoria as the engineering and technical hub for its proposed JP9102 solution. The investment would create over 200 advanced space industry jobs in Victoria.

Under its proposal, the company would invest in infrastructure and programs in Victoria to support the delivery of a Military Satellite Communications (MILSATCOM) solution for Defence.

Victoria’s Minister for Manufacturing Sovereignty, the Hon Ben Carroll MP, welcomed Lockheed Martin Australia’s JP9102 proposal, acknowledging its potential to accelerate the growth of the state’s space sector.

Mr Carroll joined the company representatives as they made their announcement at the Avalon 2023: Australian International Airshow.

“We have a well-established presence in Victoria, including our STELaRLab HQ in Melbourne – Lockheed Martin’s first multi-disciplinary research and development laboratory outside of the United States,” said Warren McDonald, Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin Australia and New Zealand. “Through STELaRLab we are currently partnering with universities from across Australia in critical areas such as space-based image exploitation, automated AI-based knowledge generation using nuero-symbolic reasoning, and developing world-leading sovereign technologies for space domain awareness.”

Lockheed Martin Australia’s Regional Director for Space, David Ball, reiterated the importance of a resilient Victorian space industry capability.

“Lockheed Martin Australia is committed to delivering a sovereign, operationally superior MILSATCOM system that meets Australia’s strategic needs,” David explained. “To help ensure the resiliency of those capabilities into the future, we will support Victoria’s industry and research communities in their collaboration and pursuit of leading edge space technologies. By forging new space technologies and industries we will inspire future generations of Victorian students to consider exhilarating space careers.”

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